

Treatment varies between the two types of complications of Erythroblastosis fetalis.

ABO incompatibility:
  • Antihistamines are used to treat allergic reactions
  • Steroids are used for swelling
  • Intravenous fluid may be required
  • Medicine can be used to raise a dropping blood pressure
ABO incompatibility often creates life threatening symptoms. If these precautions aren't taken the patient will die.

RH incompatibility:
  • Hydration, a newborn with Rh incompatibility needs to be rehydrated
  • Infants are given Phototherapy. Phototherapy is essential to reverse neonatal jaundice. Bilirubin lights are used to breakdown the heme in hemoglobin. This substance is then excreted through the baby's stool and urine.
 Drug Treatment:
Thanks to the drug RhoGAM, Rh incompatibility fatality has dropped dramatically. RhoGAM blocks the mother's immune response from affecting the fetus. The shot is given at 28 weeks during pregnancy then again within 72 hours of the child's birth.

In some cases of Rh incompatiblity it's necessary to preform a blood transfusion. This can be done via intrauterine transfusion, or shortly after birth. The fetus or newborn is given blood to replenish cells lost to the mother's antibodies. The picture below shows an exchange transfusion, where donor blood is given and the "waste" blood is removed. Leaving the newborn with healthy red blood cells free of the mother's antibodies.


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