
Darwin's Principles and E.B fetalis

Darwin proposed a group of principles.

Smoke Detector Effect
 The body perceives threat of infection and takes action.
The mother's body uses the smoke detector principle when it produces antibodies against the unborn child's blood-type. The body believes the presence of the fetus is an invasion, and prepares to get rid of this threat.

 The body uses actions like coughing and sneezing to attempt to get rid of infection.
In the case of Erythroblastosis fetalis a miscarriage would be an example of the body's way of ridding what it sees as a potential threat. 

The need to procreate often outweighs the risk for disease. Early humans with no knowledge of blood type would have procreated without regard to possible diseases. In early cases of Erythroblastosis fetalis the cause was a mystery. After failed pregnancies couples were more likely to try again, continuing the cycle of the disease.


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