
Blood Typing!

There a four blood-types, A, B, AB, and O. Blood type is determined by the types of proteins called antigens that are found on the red blood cell's surface. These antigens are genetically inheritable, so our blood type is directly influenced by the blood type of our parents.  They were  In addition to these main types is the Rh factor, or the Rhesus monkey factor. Blood is typed as either Rh negative or Rh positive. Having the antigen for Rh factor is deemed Rh positive,  lacking the antigen is considered Rh negative. When a mother is Rh negative and her mate is Rh positive, their chances of producing an Rh positive baby increases. This increases the incidence of Erythroblastosis and complications.

It is Important to know ones blood type. It can be determined in a doctor's visit using ABO typing. Blood is taken from a vein using a needle and put into a tube. Blood serum (no cells) is mixed with blood that is type A or B. If anti B antigens are produced the blood type is type A, if anti A antigens are produced the blood type is B, and if both are produced the blood mix sample would be type AB.
The above image is what a blood sample will look like after the serum is applied. Unlike type A, B, or AB, O is absent of distinguishable proteins.


Darwin's Principles and E.B fetalis

Darwin proposed a group of principles.

Smoke Detector Effect
 The body perceives threat of infection and takes action.
The mother's body uses the smoke detector principle when it produces antibodies against the unborn child's blood-type. The body believes the presence of the fetus is an invasion, and prepares to get rid of this threat.

 The body uses actions like coughing and sneezing to attempt to get rid of infection.
In the case of Erythroblastosis fetalis a miscarriage would be an example of the body's way of ridding what it sees as a potential threat. 

The need to procreate often outweighs the risk for disease. Early humans with no knowledge of blood type would have procreated without regard to possible diseases. In early cases of Erythroblastosis fetalis the cause was a mystery. After failed pregnancies couples were more likely to try again, continuing the cycle of the disease.



What Is Erythroblastosis Fetalis?

Erythroblastosis fetalis or Hemolytic disease of the newborn is a blood disorder. Problems occur when  an Rh positive mother becomes pregnant with an Rh negative fetus. The mother's body recognizes the fetus as a foreign object and  will most likely produce antibodies against the unborn child. The production of these antibodies is a process, this generally doesn't affect the first pregnancy, but subsequent pregnancies are prone to having problems.

The video below offers an overview of Erythroblastosis fetalis.
